
What is it?

Boswellia, also known as Indian frankincense, is a resin extracted from the bark of the Boswellia serrata tree, a plant native to the Punjab region in India.

The Boswellia serrata tree releases the sticky resin after injury to protect the plant from insects and diseases.

Boswellia has been used for centuries in Indian, Asian and African traditional medicine.

Today, Boswellia is commonly taken for a variety of health conditions such as bronchitis, asthma, and chronic inflammatory bowel diseases.

How does it help improve / prevent me from getting arthritis?

Boswellia is a powerful anti-inflammatory that causes reductions in pain and improvements in physical function.

Boswellia has also been shown to inhibit metalloproteinases (MMPs), proteins involved in the breakdown of joint cartilage.

Am I getting this already from my diet?

The active ingredients in Boswellia are boswellic acids, which make up to 30% of the plant resin.

Boswellic acids are only found in Boswellia.

Has it been tested?

  • A Cochrane review, recognized internationally as high-quality, trusted information, concluded in 2014 that Boswellia has moderate‐quality evidence for use in osteoarthritis
  • A 2017 analysis comparing 20 natural supplements for osteoarthritis found that Boswellia serrata extract demonstrated a large effect in reducing pain in the short term (≤3 months)
  • A 2020 analysis comparing 33 supplements for osteoarthritis found that medium and long term (10-20, >20 months) supplementation with Boswellia serrata extract led to improvements in pain and stiffness in patients with knee osteoarthritis

We only use the best available evidence in our analysis. Click here to learn more.

How much do I need to take?

Based on the current evidence, pain, stiffness, and joint function improve after continuous use of at least 100–250 mg/day of Boswellia.

It is recommended to try Boswellia in safe doses along with conventional treatments and physical therapy for at least 10 weeks, especially for those with mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis.

Does it have any side effects?

Studies have shown that Boswellia extracts do not have bad side effects, even at higher doses.

Boswellia may increase side effects of other drugs, including antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, ibuprofen, and immunosuppressants.  

There’s also some concern that Boswellia may stimulate the immune system, so use caution if you have rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. 

As with any supplement, it’s best to talk with your healthcare provider before adding Boswellia to your diet.

Is there anything else I need to know?

Boswellia products are generally rated on their concentration of boswellic acids, a higher concentration means a higher quality product.

Boswellia has also shown promise as a cancer treatment.  

Where is the best place to buy Boswellia?


For the UK & EU, our Boswellia product recommendation is ‘Ayurvedic Boswellia Serrata capsules’ from HealthSpan – each capsule contains 154mg of Boswellia (equivalent to 100mg boswellic acid!) We recommend taking 1-2 capsules per day for at least 10 weeks.


For the USA, our Boswellia product recommendation is ‘Boswellia Extract’ from Superior Labs – each capsule contains 250mg of Boswellia (equivalent to 162mg boswellic acid!) We recommend taking 1-2 capsules per day for at least 10 weeks.

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